
Default: null

Added in lefthook 1.10.5

Provide a full path to lefthook executable or a command to run lefthook. Bourne shell (sh) syntax is supported.

Important: This option does not merge from remotes or extends for security reasons. But it gets merged from lefthook local config if specified.

There are three reasons you may want to specify lefthook:

  1. You want to force using specific lefthook version from your dependencies (e.g. npm package)
  2. You use PnP loader for your JS/TS project, and your package.json with lefthook dependency locates in a subfolder
  3. You want to make sure you use concrete lefthook executable path and want to defined it in lefthook-local.yml


Specify lefthook executable

# lefthook.yml

lefthook: /usr/bin/lefthook

    - run: yarn lint

Specify a command to run lefthook

# lefthook.yml

lefthook: |
  cd project-with-lefthook
  pnpm lefthook

    - run: yarn lint
      root: project-with-lefthook

Force using a version from Rubygems

# lefthook.yml

lefthook: bundle exec lefthook

    - run: bundle exec rubocop {staged_files}

Enable debug logs

# lefthook-local.yml

lefthook: lefthook --verbose