ENV variables

ENV variables control some lefthook behavior. Most of them have the alternative CLI or config options.


Use LEFTHOOK=0 git ... or LEFTHOOK=false git ... to disable lefthook when running git commands.


LEFTHOOK=0 git commit -am "Lefthook skipped"


Use LEFTHOOK_EXCLUDE={list of tags or command names to be excluded} to skip some commands or scripts by tag or name (for commands only). See the exclude_tags configuration option for more details.


LEFTHOOK_EXCLUDE=ruby,security,lint git commit -am "Skip some tag checks"


Use LEFTHOOK_OUTPUT={list of output values} to specify what to print in your output. You can also set LEFTHOOK_OUTPUT=false to disable all output except for errors. Refer to the output configuration option for more details.


$ LEFTHOOK_OUTPUT=summary lefthook run pre-commit
summary: (done in 0.52 seconds)
✔️  lint


You can skip some outputs printed by lefthook by setting the LEFTHOOK_QUIET environment variable. Provide a list of output types to be skipped. See the skip_output configuration option for more details.


$ LEFTHOOK_QUIET=meta,execution lefthook run pre-commit

  EXECUTE > lint

SUMMARY: (done in 0.01 seconds)
🥊  lint


Set LEFTHOOK_VERBOSE=1 or LEFTHOOK_VERBOSE=true to enable verbose printing.


Set LEFTHOOK_BIN to a location where lefthook is installed to use that instead of trying to detect from the it the PATH or from a package manager.

Useful for cases when:

  • lefthook is installed multiple ways, and you want to be explicit about which one is used (example: installed through homebrew, but also is in Gemfile but you are using a ruby version manager like rbenv that prepends it to the path)
  • debugging and/or developing lefthook


Set NO_COLOR=true to disable colored output in lefthook and all subcommands that lefthook calls.


Set CLICOLOR_FORCE=true to force colored output in lefthook and all subcommands.